The British Bulldog is one of the most recognized dogs in the world today. Originally bred down from the Mastiff, the Bulldog was produced for the so-called ‘sport’ of bull-baiting, which was a regular scene in Britain prior to 1835, when thankfully, it became illegal. Today’s Bulldog is a different dog, both in nature and appearance. There is a detailed history of the breed in the Extended Breed Standard. Refer below for the link to the A.N.K.C. website.
A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed.
The general appearance of the Bulldog is that of a smooth-coated thickset dog, rather low in stature, but broad, powerful and compact. The head is fairly large in proportion to the dog’s size. The face is relatively short. The muzzle broad, blunt and moderately inclined upwards. The body short and well knit, the limbs stout and muscular. The hindquarters high and strong but rather lightly made in comparison with its heavily made foreparts. The dog should convey an impression of determination, strength and activity, similar to that suggested by the appearance of a thick-set Ayrshire bull.
To download the British Bulldog Breed Standard and the Extended Breed Standard, please follow the link to the A.N.K.C website.

The British Bulldog Club of SA inc. wishes to advise that there is NO connection between the British Bulldog and the Australiasian Bosdog or Australian Bulldog.
“Rare coloured Bulldogs” have become fashionable and there is a good reason many of these colours are not permittable in the British Bulldog standard. Examples of these colours are merle, lilac, black and tan, blue, chocolate and tri coloured. Most of these colours do not occur within the breed and can only be achieved through cross breeding. Some of these colours are proven to have devastating health defects that range from blindness, deafness and disfigurement. If you come across pedigree puppies with these trendy colours the pedigree papers have likely been falsified or they have moved across to unofficial registries. The aim of such breeders is to breed for colour and not health, charging exorbitant prices and exploiting the breed. Be aware and vigilant when purchasing a puppy.
An exert from the British Bulldog Standard: The colour should be whole or smut (that is, a whole colour with a black mask or muzzle). The only colours (which should be brilliant and pure of their sort) are whole colours – viz., brindles, reds, with their varieties, fawns, fallows etc., white and also pied (i.e. a combination of white with any other of the foregoing colours). Dudley, black and black with tan are extremely undesirable colours.