A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Bulldog Club was held at Bricknell’s Café on Monday evening, when a large number of enthusiastic bulldog breeders attended. Mr B. S. Penney presided. Mr W. Perry who convened the meeting, dealt with the colours of the bulldog club, which he thought should be Oxford blue. The object of the organisation was to advance the breeding of British bulldogs. Nearly 40 men had promised to become members, and several prominent Adelaide citizens had signified their intention to join. It was decided to call the club the British Bulldog Club of South Australia, the motto of which would be “justice and fairplay to all and for the advancement of the British Bulldog”. The club intends to hold an annual show, and already a trophy has been promised. The new organisation promises to be a flourishing one and the rules were drafted and carried.

Officers elected were: Secretary Mr H. N. Henwood, Treasurer Mr W. W. Hosking, Committee Messrs B. S. Penney (Chairman), Smith, Ritchie, Williams, Cooney, Perry, Law, Osborne, King, Henwood and Hosking. Auditors Messrs Quale and Anders. Veterinary Surgeon Mr Wakeham. (The Register Tue 7 December 1909)


The third meeting of this club was held at the offices of Mr. B. S. Penny, Waymouth street, on Monday evening. A large number of members attended. The club claims 30 members, including prominent men of Adelaide and suburbs. Much interest is bring centred in this movement, and in order to bring it into greater prominence it has been decided to seek affiliation with the Poultry and Kennel Club of Adelaide, and with various bulldog clubs of Great Britain and the United States. Three trophies have been promised: the latest is from Mr. Philip O’Hoare, of England, who is residing in Adelaide, and who for several years was Secretary of the English Kennel Club. The Mayor of Adelaide (Mr. L. Cohen) was unanimously elected President, and Dr. Waters was chosen Vice-President. Mr. W. Perry gave a lecture on the most important parts of the bulldog. He illustrated his discourse by exhibiting one of his most favourite and best bulldogs (Lord Excellent). The different points of the animal were freely discussed, and criticised, and an instructive evening was spent. The thanks of the members were accorded to Mr. Perry for his lecture, and he agreed to show at the next meeting how the points of the dog were arrived at in competition. (The Register Thu 13 1910)