A meeting of this club was held on Thursday, at the Exchange Hotel. The committee have made considerable progress with the arrangements of the show, to be held in April, and the schedule will be in the hands of members by the end of the month. The show will be followed by the annual dinner in May, and the committee are determined that it shall be voted the most successful one held during the club’s existence. (The Advertiser Mon 21 Feb 1910)
A meeting was held on Thursday at the Exchange Hotel. Considerable interest was added to the gathering owing to the imported dog Wroxham Raisuli being shown. The owner (Mr. R. E. P. Osborne was congratulated on his recent importation, and on his efforts in bringing the breed so prominently to the front in this State. He is now negotiating to secure a bitch puppy by Ch. Kilburn Magnet ex Ch. Silent Duchess. By the last mail the club was granted affiliation with the Bulldog Club (incorporated), England. One of the members has been appointed to represent the club’s interests during his coming stay in England. The committee hopes that the record number of entries established for bulldogs in one show for Australasia will be broken on April 20 next at Abbotshall, Lower Mitcham. (The Register Sat 12 March 1910)
At a meeting of the club on Thursday evening, the first of a series of papers on the dog was read by Veterinary-Surgeon Desmond. It dealt with several points at great importance to bulldog ‘owners,’ and the lecturer was warmly thanked for his advice. The committee would welcome dog owners to these lectures, as they fully recognise that the opportunities of having valuable addresses on the dog delivered, in Adelaide are extremely rare. Entries for the show on April 30 close at 4 p.m. on Thursday. (The Advertiser Sat 16 Apr 1910)
South Australian Bulldog Club: The club will hold its first annual show his afternoon on the grounds of Mr. Robert Wemyss, Abbotshall. Lower Mitcham. There are nine classes, including dog and bitch, in the novice, puppy, open, graduate, and brace, and from 40 to 50 dogs have been entered. A string band will be in attendance, and afternoon tea will be provided. Members and friends will foregather there, and the social side, which is such a feature among the bulldog men, will have full sway. Trophies only will be awarded: there will be no cash prizes.
The attendance will be by invitation, but I have been asked to say that all dog fancies will be welcome. The judging will be done by members of the club. Given good weather the first show should be a success.
On Friday. May. 6. the club will hold the annual dinner at Ware’s Exchange Hotel, when the trophies won at the show will be handed to the winners. The previous annual gatherings of the bulldog men have been full of vim and good fellowship: there was not a single dull moment, and the 1910 dinner will witness the same whole-souled enthusiasm and camaraderie among the members. (Evening Journal Sat 30 April 1910)
The South Australian Bulldog Club, which was founded in 1906, celebrated its fourth year of existence on Saturday by holding its first show at Mitcham. This will be made an annual affair. In the past the club has held three competitions under the auspices of the South Australian Poultry and Kennel Club. The fixture was held in a paddock, lent for the occasion by Mr. R. Wemyss, of Abbotshall, Mitcham. The ground as suitable in every way, and beautiful big gum trees in the vicinity made the scene picturesque one. No attempt was made to bench the dogs, which were fastened to the fences. Doubtless improvement in this direction will follow. There was a fair attendance for an inaugural show, but, unfortunately, light showers of rain fell at intervals. Nothing, however, seemed to damp the enthusiasm of the fanciers present, Mr. R. Wemyss, who with the hon. secretary (Mr. J. H. Ward), acted as joint show manager, declared the show open. In doing so he remarked that the club, which had 64 members, was the first specialist club of the kind in the State, and the show held that day was the first bulldog show held here. He hoped it would flourish. Among the exhibitors there were Mr. W. Johnson, of Oodnadatta, and Mr. C. E. Martin, of Port Pirie. Improvements in the quality of the dogs, due to the introduction of new blood, was noticeable, but the advance in the bitch section was not so marked. The best dog of the show was Mr. R. B. P. Osborne’s imported white dog Wroxham Raisuli. This animal has a magnificent front, but lacked the animation of his locally-bred rivals. However, he well deserved the honors gained. A feature of the show was the number of trophies presented by members and kindred societies. The judge (Mr. D. M. Mack) had a difficult task in most classes, so even were the prize-winners in points of merit. The most successful exhibitors were Mrs. J. H. Potter, Messrs. C. E. Martin, and R. E. P. Osborne. The last mentioned secured the club’s challenge bowl for the best dog in the show, Wroxham Raisuli who also won in the novice and open classes. The club’s challenge cup, for the best bitch, was won by Mr. J. H. Potter. Full details of the awards are given below. The officials were: — Judge, Mr. D. M. Mack; joint show managers, Messrs. Robert. Wemyss and J. H. Ward: stewards Messrs. F. W. Marshall, J. H. Potter, and A. F. Nash; judge’s steward, Mr. W. Toovey; hon. vet. surgeon, Vet-Surgeon Desmond; hon. secretary, Mr. J. H. Ward.
Novice. dog, R. E. P. Osborne’s Wroxham Raisuli (Hazelmere Prince— Ch. Silent Duchess), silver medal; W. Johnson’s Boxer Tommy Bums (Kyneetcha Crib or Millsywn Tiger — Carmen), trophy, presented by Mr. E. W. van Senden; Mrs. R. W. Bennett’s Romulus (Kyneetcha Crib— Vanity), trophy, presented by Mr. E. W. van Senden. Very highly commended. S. E. Beach’s Remus. Highly commended. Abbotshall Colonel. Puppy dog (under 12 months), Mrs. R. W. Bennett’s Romulus, trophy presented by the British Bulldog Club, England; S. E. Bench’s Remus (Kyneetcha Crib — Vanity), trophy presented by Mr. K. W. van Senden; W. L. Smith’s Ponto (Medindie John — Combat), silver puppy spoon.
Open dog class. R. E. P. Osborne’s Wroxham Raisuli, silver medal, presented by the Bulldog Club (Incorp.), England. J. H. Ward’s Rhubarb. (Taraxacum – Mixture), trophy presented by Mr. C. T. McGlew; F. W. Marshall’s Medindie John (Taraxacum— Shandon Queen), trophy presented by Mr. C. T. McGlew. Highly commended: W. Johnson’s Boxer Tommy Burns and C. T. McGlew’s Rochford. Graduate dog. MIss Patterson Wemyss’ Abbotshall Colonel (Vanguard— Combat), silver medal; E. W. van Senden’s Dudley Bargee (Vanguard — Dandelion Queenie), trophy presented by Mr. A. C. Nash; H. Wemyss’ Abbotshall General (Taraxacum — Combat), trophy presented by Mr. A. F. Nash. Highly commended J. Scott’s Conflict and W. Law-Smith’s Ponto. Novice bitches C. T. McGlew’s Belle of Benfleet (Benfleet Crib— Benfleet Venus), silver medal; A. F. Nash’s Southern Cross (Rewa— Chineham Ambition), Mr. E. W. van Senden’s trophy; C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly, Mr. E. W. van Senden’s trophy. Very highly commended: C. K. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Beauty and J. H. Potter’s Portia.
Puppy bitches C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly, trophy presented by the Bulldog Club (England); J. H. Potter’s Portia, trophy presented by Mr. O. McGlew; C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Beauty, silver serviette ring. Very highly commended Mrs. J. H. Potter’s Queen Belle. C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Cribbage. Open bitches J. H. Potter’s Vanity (Vanguard—Dandelion Queenie), silver medal presented by the Bulldog Club (incorp.), England; C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan (Rhubarb— Vanity), trophy presented by Mr. C. T. McGlew; C. T. McGlew’s Belle of Benfleet, trophy. Very highly commended: W. G. S. Swan’s Mixture (Milswyn Rufus— Tatters). Highly commended A. F. Nash’s Southern Cross. Graduate bitch C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Beauty, silver medal. C. K. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Cribbage. trophy presented by Mr. A. F. Nash; Mrs. J. H. Potter’s Queen Belle, trophy presented by Mr. A. F Nash. Highly commended J. H. Potter’s Queen Lilly and E. C. Grasby’s. Pierette. Brace 1st C. T. McGlew, 2nd C. E. Martin, 3rd J. E. Potter.
Best dog in Show R. E. P. Osborne’s Wroxham Raisuli (club’s challenge bowl). Best bitch in Show J. H. Potter’s Vanity (club’s challenge cup) Best puppy dog Mrs. R. W. Bennett’s Romulus (Amgorie Cup to be won three times). Best puppy bitch— C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly (Fry’s Cup, to be won three times). Angas breeders’ cup, for best puppy dog J. H. Potter. Angas breeders’ cup, for best puppy bitch C. E. Martin. Breeders’ trophy, for most successful breeder, J. H. Potter. Best dog in open class, Trophy presented by the Bulldog Club of Sydney, R. E. P. Osborne’s Wroxham Raisuli (Chronicle Sat 7 May 1910)
A correspondent, who pays a great tribute to the management and officials generally, writing of last week’s Bulldog Show in Adelaide, says: “Great interest, was centred on Wroxham Rasuli, a dog imported at very great expense by Mr. R. E. P. Osborne, a most popular and indefatigable member of the club. Mr. Osborne’s other dog, Kyneetcha Crib, through an unavoidable occurrence, was missing, but the value of this addition to Mr. Osborne’s kennel was very noticeable by the number of winning puppies shown, which Crib has sired. By the addition of Wroxham Rasuli, a beautifully well-set animal of perfect type, judging in the future, I venture to say, will become a most difficult task. Mr. Ward’s dog Rhubarb, which had for the first time to take a second place, was much admired, and his progeny are not easy to beat. Rhuvan, one of his daughters, was looked upon by many as the best bitch in the show, although she had to give way to Vanity, who is her mother. We have to congratulate our townsman, Mr. C. E. Martin, traveller for Messrs. D. and J. Fowler, Ltd., who took his team, comprising Rhuvan, with her three puppies, Rhuvan’s Folly, Rhuvan’s Beauty and Rhuvan’s Cribbage, the latter three having for their sire Mr. Osborne’s imported dog, Kyneetcha Crib, down to the Adelaide Bulldog Show last week. Mr. Martin was successful in winning nine tickets, including six trophies, silver medal, and two silver cups. We believe he is the only member of the club who has won the same cup twice. Our successful exhibitor says if you want a good friend get good bulldog—the kindest friend on earth. (Port Pirie Recorder and North Western Mail Sat 7 May 1910)

Bulldogs formed a very strong section at the S.A. Poultry and Kennel Club’s annual show this week. Both the South Australian Bulldog Club, and the more recently formed British Bulldog Club of South Australia, were represented in the competition, and in consequence the display took on especial interest. The first prize and special in the class lor dogs, were gained by Mr. T. Arthur, of Hindmarsh, with a good type in Tommy Burns (below right). This dog was bred by the exhibitor and is about 15 months old. His breeding is given as Kyneetcha Crib or Millswyn Tiger from Carmen. He is a compactly built animal, of prepossessing appearance, although Wroxham Raisuli (below left) (Hoyelmore Prince—Silent Duchess), who was placed second, can beat him in spread and front formation. The last-named dog was imported from England some months ago by Mr. it. E. P. Osborne. The best bitch in the show was exhibited by the Port Pirie breeder, Mr. C. E. Martin, who showed Rhuvan (Rhubarb—Vanity) in excellent trim. Considerable interest was manifested by members of the British Bulldog Club of South Australia, in a competition for trophies among themselves. The principal contest was for a silver cup presented by Messrs. Penny and Hill, of West Australia, for the best bulldog or bulldog bitch owned by a member of the club, and which has to be won three times. The first leg-in was gained by Mr. W. Perry, with Lady Majestic (Taraxacums-Countess of Warwick), who was awarded the Kennel Club’s reserve price in the open class for bitches, and gained the British bulldog trophy, presented by Messrs. W. Reynell and Sons, for open-class hitch. Mr. Perry also won the Ritchie special prize for best novice dog owned by a member, his exhibit being the young imported dog Stepping Stone (Greenstone—Dora). This promising bully wis placed first in the Kennel Club’s competition for novice dog, and was given the reserve prize in the open class. The club’s special prize for puppy dog was gained by Professor T. S. Higham, of Balaklava, with the nicely-developing puppy Realengo George (Master Donovan—Elebstinado), bred by Mrs. H. Thomson,, of Victoria. The Haussen trophy, for best puppy bitch, and the Chateau Tanunda trophy, for open class dog, were won by Mr. A. H. Williams. The winner of the last named was Lord Revenge (Lord Mick—Lady Majestic), the third dog in the open competition. (The Express and Telegraph Sat 6 August 1910)
Prize list: Novice class W. Perry’s Stepping Stone, S. E. Beach’s Remus, J. S. Scott’s Moorland; open class, J. Arthur’s Tommy Burns, R. E. P. Osborne’s Wroxham Raisuli, A. H. Williams’s Lord Revenge; puppy dog, J. Arthur’s The Maluka. S. E. Beach’s Remus, J. Arthur’s Toreador; novice class bitch, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly, J. Arthur’s Mother Doyle , A. H. Williams’s Fifteen Two; open-class bitch, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan, C. T. McGlew’s Belle of Benfleet, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly; puppy bitch, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan Folly, A. D. Williams’s Fifteen Two, W. Pern’s Princess Royal; boys’ class, J. Arthur, C. E. Martin; team class, J. Arthur, W. Perry. (The Register Fri 5 Aug 1910)

There was a record entry for the dog section at the 1910 Spring Show. Dog section judge Mr. Wright stated that he had visited the Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne Shows this year, and the Adelaide dogs were better than those at Brisbane and Melbourne, and almost as good as those at Sydney. The quality in the bulldogs was exceptionally good. Mr. J. Arthur’s young brindle dog, Tommy Burns (pictured below) , as wide in front as the famous boxer of the same name, won in his class. Mr. Wright said he was the best colonial-bred bulldog he had seen. He promptly picked him out for premier laurels. Tommy Burns beat a well-known imported dog and could compete at any show. The rest of the bulldogs were also fine animals. Mr. John Arthur’s Bulldog, Tommy Burns, 19 months, which has been shown twice as a puppy and twice as a full-grown and awarded four first prizes by four different judges. Mr. W. T. Wright, of Melbourne, who judged the dogs at the present Show, spoke in the following high terms of Tommy: “He has a splendid head and is a magnificent type of bulldog. He is absolutely the best colonial-bred bulldog I have seen, and I promptly picked him cut for premier honors from among even well-known importations. He is a credit to South Australia and need not fear competition in any show. He was the best of a very fine collection.
Results: bulldog, J. Arthur, J. H. Ward, F. W. Marshall; puppy, dog, S. E. Beach, J. Arthur, F. S. Higham; bitch, C. E. Martin, C. T. McGIew, J. H. Potter; puppy, bitch, C. E. Martin, J. H. Potter, A. Williams (Daily Herald 17/9/1910)

The annual meeting of the South Australian Bulldog Club was held in the Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening, and there was a large attendance. Mr. F. W. Marshall presided. The secretary (Mr J. H. Ward) reports! that the progress of the club had been steady. The membership was 56, as against 40 last year. A feature of last year’s progress was the holding of the club’s own show, which, though not a great success financially, had given appreciable stimulus to the club. The type of dogs now coming forward reflected credit upon the breeder, and the future of the club was assured. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £5. The chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, said although the club had not been a great success financially It had resulted in a distinct improvement in the type of the dogs. There had been several new importations. The principal importation during the year was Wroxham Raisuli a son of Silent Duchess, the champion baby of the world, and only the previous day Wroxham Venestra, a full sister to Wroxham Raisuli, had reached the State, and was in quarantine. They expected great things from her. The club had an ever growing membership. It started with seven., and was now 56, and everyone of that 56 was out to improve and foster the type of dog they loved. without any hope of monetary gain. Mr. J. R. Potter seconded the motion. He would like to see class for all-comers inaugurated at their next show, as he felt sure if that were done they would be benefiting the dog. Mr. Martin (of Port Pirie) said he would like to see money dropped altogether from the prize list. (Hear, hear.)
The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Officers elected: President, Mr. C. H. Angus; committee, Messrs. J. R. Ward, R. Wemyss, D. M. Mack. J. H. Potter, F. W. Marshall, R. S. P. Osborne, and J. S. Scott; secretary, Mr. J. H. Ward; veterinary surgeon, Mr. Desmond The retiring secretary was thanked for his services. (The Advertiser Fri 7 Oct 1910)
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Nash, of Adelaide, are leaving for England shortly. Mr. Nash, who is one of the founders of the Australian Bulldog Club in South Australia, will be a delegate to the (British) Bulldog club, Incorporated. (Daily Herald Mon 12 Dec 1910)