CHAMPION BULLDOG DEAD. – Bulldog fanciers will regret to hear of the death of Mr. C. H. Angas’s champion bulldog Nuthurst Precocity, which occurred on Sunday evening. The animal was about 3½ years old and was imported from England about 18 months ago. He was a winner of numerous prizes in the old country, and was also successful in South Australia and Victoria, and was never defeated on the show bench. Much was expected from Precocity in the way of improving the local quality, and his death will be a severe blow to the fancy. (The Register Mon 19 Jan 1914)
Proposed New Ruling Body – A meeting of representatives of various dog clubs and societies was held at the Exchange Hotel, on Friday night to consider matters affecting the control of the dog fancy. Considerable discussion ensued, and the meeting was adjourned for a week to allow a subcommittee, which was appointed, to consider and report upon the constitution of a new ruling body. (Observer Sat 24 Jan 1914)
The schedule for the fifth annual and fourth Championship show of the South Australian Bulldog Club, which will be held on April 25 is to hand. Following are the details. There will be 21 classes, including brace, team, and litter, and the whole of them will be open to all-comers who however will be ineligible to receive the special trophy which will be open to members only. The entry fee for members elected prior to April 10 will be 2/, while for non-members it will be 5/. The judge will be a member of the club, Mr. J. H. Ward. Entries close on April 17 and I have been informed that the committee anticipate that the show will be the most successful yet held. A pleasing feature will be the presence of more puppies than usual, and the British Bulldog Club of Victoria, and the Bulldog Club pf New South Wales, have arranged to each send a dog. The schedules were sent out at the beginning of the week, and, although the entries will not close until April 17, the nominations have already begun to come in freely, as the members are paying attention-to the expressed desire of the committee that they, should make their entries as early as possible in order to prevent a rush at the end.
Several new members have joined the club within the last week or two and the members’ roll now contains over 100 names. The club recently withdrew from affiliation with the South Australian Poultry and Kennel Club, and the coming show will be held under the auspices of the Australasian Bulldog Association (with which the South Australian Bulldog Club lately became connected), by which, body it will be regarded as a championship show, carrying the issue of the association’s challenge certificates. (Observer Sat 21 Mar 1914)
The annual show of the South Australian Bulldog Club will be held this afternoon in the saddling paddock at the Victoria Park Racecourse. The entries constitute a record, so far as the club’s shows are concerned, and dogs from New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia have been entered for competition. ‘The show should prove the most successful held by the club, and the attendance should be larger than usual, in view of the fact that the collection of bulldogs will be the finest seen in South Australia. Mr. H. W. Spelling (Secretary of the British Bulldog Club of Victoria) will arrive by this morning’s express with five of the best Victorian dogs. (The Register Sat 25 Apr 1914)
One of the best shows yet held by the South Australian Bulldog Club was conducted at the saddling paddock, Victoria Park, on Saturday. It was a noteworthy gathering for a number of reasons. First of all, the new Governor, his Excellency Sir Henry Galway, attended. He arrived about 2.45 p.m. and remained for about three-quarters of in hour discussing the merits of bulldogs with the president (Mr. C. H. Angas) and the chairman (Mr. J. S. Scott). Incidentally, it may be remarked, that his Excellency was charmed with the saddling enclosure as a centre for dog shows and was impressed with the general standard of the dogs and the enthusiasm of the owners. Secondly, the show was distinctive because for the first time there was representation from New South Wales and Victoria and thirdly because challenge certificates were issued under the auspices of the Australasian Associated Bulldog Club’s new controlling body formed by the co-operation of the South Australian Bulldog Club, the Bulldog Club of New South Wales, and the British Bulldog Club of Victoria.
The attendance was larger than usual. There was keen, competition in the majority of classes and no one envied the judge (Mr. J. H. Ward) his task Probably one of the most difficult decisions to reach was in the general parade of dogs and bitches. when irrespective of show points he was asked to say which was produced in the best show condition. His choice finally fell on Mr. J. H. Potter’s Broadway Patch, a sleek well-groomed puppy dog. The chief interest of breeders was excited by the competition in the open classes, in which the best of the inter State dogs were nominated. In the dog section Mr. Ward declared for Mr. M. P. Bauld Victorian dog Silver Wizard, and this English importation certainty held his own as the best headed dog in the show. He was not, however, such a nicely balanced dog as the Adelaide champion Tommy Burns, who was very fit, and had no difficulty in scoring first as the best Australian bred. Mr. K. McLaughlin, of Victoria, was third in the open class with the imported Morayville Adenough, and Mr. C. T. McGlew, of Adelaide, supplied the reserve with the imported Rochford. The Sydney dog, Ilford Lord Nelson, was unplaced, although he won in the limit class. The best of the bitches was Messrs. (C’. H. Angas and J. If. Potter’s Wroxham Vanessa (imp.), who was awarded the challenge certificate for her sex and was placed in front of the imported Daisy Hill Judy, shown by Miss. A. E. Allen, of Victoria, and the Port Pirie representative, Mr C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Wag. Mr. T. A. Cardwell’s Sweet Lavender was selected as reserve. Conspicuous among the successful exhibitors were Messrs. C. E. Martin, J. Arthur, A. C. Meyers, and J. H. Potter.
The outcome of the show was decidedly encouraging, for the entry was a record is one, and as the judge (Mr. Ward) pointed out, the young material showed an improvement in bone. The chairman Mr. J. S. Scott, was equally enthusiastic. “The quality all round.” He said, “is not quite so good as it’ was when Mr. C. H. Angas’ imported pair Nuthurst Precocity and Kilburn Caramel, were available for competition, but unfortunately for the fancy they died. However, the influence of imported blood is showing in the younger generations, so that it can be said that there is a general improvement.” The show was capably managed, and time was saved by the use of two rings, one for marshalling exhibits and the other for judging events. Veterinary-Surgeon Desmond examined the dogs and gave all a clean bill of health. Assistance was given by several members of the South Australian Collie and Pomeranian Club to the officials, who were: President, Mr. C. H. Angas; committee, Messrs. J. S. Scott (chairman), C. T. McGlew, D. M. Mack, J. A. Cardwell, and Drs. Edgar Brown and Hampden Carr; judge, Mr. J. H. Ward; show committee Messrs. J. R. Potter, J. R. Scott, C. T. McGlew and H. C. P. Gent; judges steward, Dr. Edgar Brown: ring stewards, Messrs. A. H. Chapman, D. R. Gee, and F. A. Wilson: bench stewards, Messrs. A. C. Myers, W. H. Harvey A. S. Richardson, and W. V. Ellis; award, steward, Mr. C. V. Newman; veterinary surgeon, Veterinary Surgeon Desmond hon. secretary, Mr. H C P Gent.
Results –
Novice dog: J. H. Potters Broadway Patch, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Tom Keane, D. R. Gee’s General Pom Pom II.
The placing of Patch over Tom Keane was reversed in later classes, and the judge may be commended for his courage in reversing a wrong decision as against persisting in it throughout the afternoon as the two dogs met, as a weaker man would have done. As I saw the dogs from the ringside Tom Keane was the better of the two for type and quality. He is a smaller, neater dog of more class. Broadway Patch is a big, coarse dog, with a buttoned ear, and was shown too fat. He has good wrinkle, and his head is well broken up. He possesses splendid bone, and when got into lean; tough condition should make a good stud dog. Tom Keane is easily the better dog of the two for general type and quality in my opinion.
Baby puppy dog: C. H. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Budge, Rhuvan’s Beauty and Rhuvan’s Doctor. There were 10 baby puppies and the winner, a promising fawn pup won on his merits.
Puppy dog, under 12 months: Mrs A. C. Myer’s Dreadnought, Dr. Edgar Brown’s Wulka Cupid, Dr. Flood’s Wulka Swagger. The winner, a big dark brindle won on his merits, but I think he would be beaten by the second placed dog in six month’s time.
South Australian bred puppy: Mr A C Myer’s Dreadnought. He has a good head and bone and brought into the ring in good condition.
Junior dog: C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Tom Keane, J. H. Potter’s Broadway Patch, Rhuvan’s Swank.
Limit dog: Mr. R. McLaughlan’s (Vic) Morayville Adenough (imp), C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Tom Keane, J. H. Potter’s Broadway Patch. The first dog won on his merits. He is a dark brindle, with a good head and general type. The Maluka might have scored had he shown better, but he has failed so often to do justice to himself that it is probable he will not again be entered. The Sydney dog, Ilford Lord Nelson, was out in this class, but there was general disappointment with him. He is a nice little dog but this is all one can say.
Australian bred dog: J. Arthur’s Ch. Tommy Burns, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Tom Keane, J. H. Potter’s Broadway Patch. The winner Tommy Burns, who was looking well. If this dog were wider in front, and closer to the ground, with a bit more bone, he would hold his own anywhere in the world.
Open dog: Mr. M. P. Bauld’s (Vic.) Silver Wizard (imp), J. Arthur’s Ch. Tommy Burns, R. McLauchlan’s (Vic) Morayville Adenough (imp ). Sixteen dogs faced the judge in this class. After considerable deliberation he gave first to the Victorian dog, Silver Wizard who was lately imported from England. I did not like Wizard. He has the real sour expression, but his ears are heavy and badly placed, he has only a few teeth in his lower jaw, and suffered from nervous affliction which caused a constant twitching of his jaws. He is bowed in bone, and walks on his pasterns, instead of on his toes; he is exaggerated in front, and to me was a disappointing dog. Ch. Tommy Burns, who was second, should have beaten Wizard, in my opinion.
Graduate dog: D. R. Gee’s General Pom Pom II, A. R. Wotton s Wroxham Silencer (imp). This class had 12 dogs and the winnerwas a good-looking, low-set dog. The second dog was a dark brindle shown in good condition.
Best conditioned exhibit: J. H. Potter’s Broadway Patch
Challenge dog: Mr. M. P. Bauld’s (Vic.) Silver Wizard (imp)
Novice bitch: J. Arthur’s Guinea Gold, Dr. Edgar Brown’s Psyche, Dr H. Carr’s Rhuvan’s Beauty. The winner was a nice headed bitch,
Baby puppy bitch C E Martin’s Rhuvan’s Queen Anne and Rhuvan’s Peggy. Both too immature for an opinion.
Puppy bitch: Mrs. J. H. Potter’s Lady Milestones, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Queen Anne, J. Arthur’s Wulka Jude. The winner is a pied bitch who is a bit on the leg but promises to let down later.
S.A. bred puppy bitch: Mrs. J. H. Potter’s Lady Milestones, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Queen Anne, J. Arthur’s Wulka Bess.
Junior Bitch: C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Domino, A. S. Richardson’s Lyndhurst Nancy, Armstrong and Ninham s British Beauty. The winner is a dark brindle with a good head.
Limit bitch: Miss A E Allen’s (Vic) Daisy Hill Judy (imp), J. A. Cardwell’s Sweet Lavender, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Domino. The winner has a good head, and is of fair quality, but lacks bone.
Australian bred bitch: C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Wah, J. A. Cardwell’s Sweet Lavender, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Folly. Wag has a good up face and placement of ears, is nicely wrinkled in forehead and has a fairsized skull, with ears a bit floppy, rather deficient in bone and the feet are too small and is rather straight in back. Lavender is a good bodied bitch of the low type and pear shaped body. She is full in eye pinched in face and the expression is not good.
Open bitch: C. H. Angas and J. H. Potter’s Wroxham Vanessa (imp), Miss. G. E. Allen (Vic) Daisy Hill Judy (imp), C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Wag. Vanessa is a good type of brood bitch. She was shown much too fat. She has a splendid turn-up and wide underjaw nice placement of eyes, which are of a good deep colour, big skull, ears a trifle heavy, good arched neck, fair in shoulders and bone, and has a nice gait and general appearance. Daisy Hill Judy should have given way, in my opinion to Morayville Silver Duchess, a good headed, good-bodied bitch with well, sprung ribs and, I thought the better bitch of the two.
Graduate bitch: A. C. Myers’ Slinks and Lady Melba, F. Casseltine’s Supurb Mimosa. Slinks is a good boned fair headed fawn bitch.
Brace C E. Martin, J. Arthur, R. Mclaughlan (Vic),
Team: C. E. Martin, J. Arthur
Litter: C. E. Martin’s entry (Rhuvan’s Mischief x Rhuvan’s Domino)
Challenge Bitch: C. H. Angas and J. H. Potter’s Wroxham Vanessa (imp)
Special prizes (open to members)
Best puppy dog: A. C. Myers
Best puppy bitch: Mrs J. H. Potter
Breeders’ cup puppy dog: A. C. Myers
Breeders’ cup puppy bitch: A. C. Myers
Breeders’ trophy: A. C. Myers
Brace: C E Martin
Australian bred dog: J. Arthur
Australian bred bitch: C. E. Martin
Best novice bitch: J. Arthur
Best novice dog: J. H. Potter
Litter trophy: C. E. Martin
S A bred puppy dog: A. C. Myers
S A bred puppy bitch: Mrs J H Potter
Best exhibit: J H Potter and C H. Angas
(The Advertiser Mon 27 Apr 1914) (The Register Mon 27 Apr – comments about the placings)

Interstate Visitors and Dogs. — The South Australian Club recently entered into an agreement with the Bulldog Club of New South Wales and the British Bulldog Club of Victoria, with the object of promoting and controlling the bulldog fancy in Australia. The show on Saturday afternoon was the first to be held under the new arrangement. With the desire to help the exhibition, the Sydney and Melbourne fanciers sent along some of their best dogs. The Bulldog club of New South Wales were represented by Ifford Lord Nelson, and the British Bulldog club of Victoria by Silver Wizard, Daisy Hill Judy, Morayville Adenough, Morayville Silver Duchess (all imported dogs), and Smiler Punch. No Sydney fancier could find the time to make the long journey, but they sent one of their crack dogs on, and the good sportsmanship which prompted the dispatch of a valuable dog in such circumstances was very warmly appreciated by the members of the Aaelaide Club. The Melbourne Club was represented by Mr. H. W. Sperring (the Hon. Secretary) and Mr. R. McLaughlan, and they brought the Victorian dogs with them. Both these gentlemen quickly made friends with the Adelaide men and were able to see for themselves how much the feeling of comradeship, which caused the sending of five dogs over, was appreciated by the South Australian club members. The Melbourne. visitors were the guests of the committee at dinner on Saturday evening, and on Sunday were motored through the hills. They leave by this afternoon’s express, and there is no doubt that their visit has had the effect of strengthening the relations between the clubs. (The Register Mon 27 Apr 1914)
BULLDOG SIRES. By ‘Wirehair,’
Looking through the catalogue of the recent show of the South Australian Bulldog Club I was struck with the success of the imported sires and starting to tabulate the wins of their progeny soon found that these dogs have made their mark on the stock in South Australia. Allowing 3 points for first. 2 for second, and 1 for third awards, the figures work out as under: Nuthurst Precocity 21 points; Solid Milestones, 19 points; Kyneetcha Crib, 17 points; and Wroxhani Raisuli 12 Points. In addition to these that old battler Kyneetcha Crib is the sire of Tommy Burns, whose young stock gained 4 points, and the grandsire of Rhuvan’s Mischief, a promising young sire, whose progeny secured 9 points. The death of that sterling dog Nuthurst Precocity is to be greatly deplored, for with limited opportunities he has apparently stamped his individuality on the young stuff sired by him. Now that he is gone fanciers will surely regret that they did not make more use of such a stud dog when he was available. To students of line breeding an interesting study presents itself in the pedigrees of the dogs mentioned below. Wroxham Raisuli and Wroxham Venesta, the two bullies imported by Mr. R. E. P. Osborne, are brother and sister, being by Hazelmere Prince from the renowned bitch Silent Duchess. The sire of Nuthurst Precocity (Maybank Mayor) is also a full brother to these two Wroxham dogs, while another full brother (Wroxham Silent Prince) is the sire of Mr. Wotton’s dog, Wroxham Silencer. Again, the sire of M. Bauld’s Melbourne dog Silver Wizard is a grandson of Heywood Duchess, the bitch who claims Silent Duchess as a daughter. Turning to other dogs, we find that the imported Melbourne dog Morayville Adenough (who by the way is bred on exactly the same lines as the Sydney crack Centurion) has the same blood on his sire’s side as Wroxham Silencer has on his dam’s pedigree. Further, the two imported bitches Wroxham Vanessa and Belle of Benfleet have pedigrees which are practically identical. It will thus be seen that breeders have a splendid opportunity to develop their strains along correct lines, for in addition we have two imported dogs. Solid Milestones and Silver Wizard, whose pedigrees contain ”Stone’ blood. Now the point is will the bulldog fanciers endeavour to ‘fix’ certain characteristics in their strains, or will they follow the example of some of the breeders in other varieties and mate their dogs in a haphazard fashion? I know the majority are keen enough, and breed on scientific lines, but to the few careless ones I would say, Study the pedigrees of your dogs and aim at fixing type. We have the material at hand without going outside Australia for some years to come, so it is up to the breeders to make the best use of it. I do not write this in a carping spirit; far from it. But having seen large sums of money sent out of the country for other varieties of dogs with ultimate results which may be classed as worthless, I make these comments. (The Mail Sat 16 May 1914)
The first open Australian championship show was initiated at the Guildhall to-day, under the auspices of the British Bulldog Club of Victoria. This body is associated with similar clubs m New South Wales and South Australia, and it is intended by the clubs mentioned to hold displays of a like nature in the capitals of each of the States mentioned at stated intervals. The present is the best display of bulldogs that has ever been seen in Australia. More than 250 entries are represented by 88 dogs, and of these 18 of the most representative hail from New South Wales and South Australia. Mr. J. Arthur, of Adelaide, came over to judge in the. competitions. Mrs. A. C. Myers (S.A.), with her puppy dog Dreadnought, was awarded the first prize in the puppy, junior, and novice dog classes. In the Australian-bred bitches section C. E. Martin’s (S.A.) Rhuvan’s Wag won. In the litter class C. C. Dean’s (S.A.) exhibit obtained the premier notice. (The Register Sat 16 May 1914)
There was a large attendance of members of the Bulldog Club and friends, including several ladies, at Bricknell’s Café on Saturday evening when the prizes won at the last show were presented. Mr. J. S. Scott (Chairman of the Club’s committee) presided, and the proceedings, which were of an enthusiastic character, passed off well. The prizes, which were exceptionally valuable and numerous, were contributed by bulldog clubs in America, England, Ireland, and the Australian States, and when grouped together on the Chairman’s table made an imposing display. Mesdames J. H. Potter, and A. C. Myers, and Messrs. C.H. Angas and J. H. Potter, M. P. Bauld (Victoria), J. Arthur, and C. E. Martin were the principal winners, and their success was warmly received, for loyalty and good comradeship are outstanding features among members of the club. The toast, of Kindred clubs was responded to by Messrs. D. M. Mack (National Coursing Association), and P. Grasby (Collie and Pomeranian Club). An excellent musical programme was presented by Mrs. C. P. Gent and Misses V. Duignan and M. Cole, and Messrs. C. P. Gent, J. H. Potter and J. H. Ward. (The Register Mon 25 May 1914)
An Opposition Show. – It is a pity that unanimity has not or been maintained among dog fanciers, then there could have been one comprehensive show with all the best dogs benched. However, the S.A. Collie and Pomeranian Club and the South Australian Bulldog Club withdrew from affiliation with the Kennel Club, and they have arranged to run an opposition show on July 4 in premises adjacent to those occupied by the Kennel Club. It is probable that this show will he conducted under the auspices of a new governing association, which is being brought into existence. Entries close on June 20. It is a great pity that fanciers should have fallen out, tor those who urged reforms make an important section. However, some good has already been accomplished, for the keener interest in dog exhibits is appreciable. Properly speaking there should be no reason for conflict where matters of dog control are in question, so that is to be hoped that before long some method of healing the breach may he devised. The chief issue in the disagreement has been the desire of the disaffected clubs for adequate representation of specialist clubs on the Kennel Club. If this difficulty was smoothed out, the trouble would probably be ended. As it is, fanciers for the first time in the history of the Adelaide fancy, will see two rival shows held on the same day within a stone throw of each other. (The Express and Telegraph Sat 20 Jun 1914)
The South Australian Kennel Association is a new body, formed recently, principally by the South Australian Bulldog Club and the South Australian Collie and Pomeranian Club, with the object of providing an organisation, which would give representation to all specialist clubs. The management decided to hold their first show on Saturday, and for this purpose they secured the basement of the Exhibition Building at North Terrace. It may be mentioned that some conveniences were lacking, but the officials worked hard, and had the satisfaction at the finish of being able to say that success had rewarded their efforts. The entries exceeded the most sanguine expectations, and there were benched the finest collections of Bulldogs, Collies and Pomeranians that have been seen in Adelaide.
Mr. J. S. Scott decided the merits of the entries in the Bulldog classes, and his judgments were respected. Out of a strong competition lie selected Mr. J. Arthur’s Tommy Burns for the challenge certificate-, and his award was well received. Among the bitches he found nothing more deserving than the imported Wroxham Vanessa, owned and nominated by Messrs. C. H. Angas and J. H. Potter. The special award for the best novice dog or bitch was given to another importation, Kilburn Catch, a handsome and typical animal now owned by Mr. J. Arthur. The Bulldog classes throughout were keenly contested, and Mr. Scott in many cases had a stiff proposition in deciding upon the relative merits. At the conclusion, of his task he said that, compared with similar shows in Melbourne, the Adelaide fanciers were in the lead, for the rank and file, meaning the beaten dogs, were of a better average standard. (Chronicle Sat 11 Jul 1914)
To-night, at the Exchange Hotel, the members of the South Australian Bulldog Club will hold an evening show, which will include puppy classes and the point judging of two dogs (Mr. A. R. Wotton’s Wroxham Silencer (imp.) and Mr. C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Tom Keane. An enjoyable and instructive meeting is anticipated.
So far as South Australian entries are concerned, the great distance and the inability of owners to make the journey, have had the effect of preventing the dispatch of more than one representative Mr. C. E. Martin, of Port Pirie will go over with his bitch, Rhuvan’s Wag, the same as he did last year. Wag has won the Australian-bred class in Adelaide and Melbourne, and her owner is keen on achieving a similar honour in Sydney. From information to hand it is understood that the Sydney Club has received a record number of entries for its fixture.
On January 16, 1014, the Bulldog Club of New South Wales, the British Bulldog Club of Victoria, and the South Australian Bulldog Club entered into an agreement which had for its object the management and improvement of matters connected with the bulldog in Australia. and arrangements were made for the holding of championship shows by each of the clubs and the granting of challenge certificates by the association. There is an impression that the constitution of the association is of such a character as to prevent the affiliation of the individual clubs with the controlling kennel clubs in the respective States, but there is no foundation for such belief. As a matter of fact, this point is expressly provided for in the agreement by a clause which reads as follows: “And it is further agreed that nothing herein contained shall interfere with the right of any of the contracting parties to this agreement to join with any other club, or clubs, in the control of dogs in their respective States.” (The Journal Sat 12 Sep 1914)
In point of numbers and quality the ‘doggy’ section maintained the standard of the last few years. There was a good display, and in most of the classes there was keen competition. The judging, save in the bulldog classes gave satisfaction, and the policy of the society in employing the services of outside adjudicators was generally commended. Bulldogs were fairly represented although no conspicuous quality was observed. The judging in this section gave general dissatisfaction. The bulldogs are a difficult breed to handle, and the propriety of appointing a specialist judge for future shows is commended to the consideration of the society. In the open dog class the winner was distinctly inferior in type and general bulldog quality to the second placed candidate, and another dog that was unplaced should have scored. In the puppy dog class, the one that was placed second should have scored the chief honours, the winning dog being leggy and generally right away from the true bulldog type. In the open bitch class, the second-placed bitch should have been first, and the same remark applies to the puppy bitch class.
Prize list: bulldog, A. R. Wotton, D. R. Gee, C E. Martin; bulldog, puppy dog: R. E. Hall, Dr. E. Brown, Miss. E. Dougherty. bulldog, bitch C. E. Martin, C. H. Angas and J. B. Potter, Mrs. K. M. Claxton. bulldog, puppy bitch, G. A. Curtin, Mrs. K. M. Claxton. (The Register Fri 11 Sep 1914)
The committee of the S.A. Bulldog Club is endeavouring to arrange for an exchange of ideas between the members of the bulldog clubs in the various States. The intention is that, in each club, a member of the committee shall be told off to once a month communicate with the clubs in the other States all the interesting items that occur among the members and their dogs. With the suggested periodical exchange of ideas and information, it is expected that the club members would be brought into closer touch, and that the result will make for good. The innovation is to be commended, and it is one that could, with advantage, be adopted by the other specialist clubs. (The Journal Sat 12 Sep 1914)
A conference of the Associated Bulldog Board of Control was held in Sidney last week, and it comprised the Bulldog Club of New South Wales (represented by Mr. F. McWilliam), the British Bulldog Club of Victoria (by Mr. W. McNamara), and the South Australian Bulldog Club (by Mr. J. S. Scott). Several matters of mutual concern were discussed, as set out below:
Challenge Certificates: lt was decided in order to provide a greater scope for the winning of championship certificates, that in addition to the club shows, wins at the shows of the Royal Agricultural Societies in the three States should be recognised.
Mutual Show Rules: The belief was expressed by the delegates that the rules of the Bulldog Club of New South Wales were the most comprehensive, and it was decided to submit them to the clubs in Victoria and South Australia with a view to their adoption, and so that uniform regulations should be adopted for the three States.
Registrations: This matter was discussed from the point of view of bringing into operation a uniform system of registering names, prefixes, and affixes.
Entry Fees: lt was decided to arrange matters so that the membership fee in the three States shall be the same.
Mutual Correspondence: In order that matters and ideas of mutual interest should be interchanged between the clubs it was arranged that each club should appoint a correspondent whose duty it will be to, once a month, communicate items of interest to the clubs in the other States. There is reason to believe that the formation of the Board of Control, and the improvement that should result therefrom, will make for the good of the bulldog fancy in Australia.
It was decided that sometime during April should be the date for the show in South Australia, June for Melbourne, and September for Sydney. (Observer Sat 3 Oct 1914)
The eighth annual meeting of the South Australian Bulldog Club was held on Thursday evening, November 12 when there was a fair attendance. The gathering may have lacked quantity of numbers, but no fault could be found with the enthusiasm of which the display was marked. With the maintenance of this vigorous interest the operations of the coming year should be attended with conspicuous success. Highly appreciative references were made to the press, and the club members expressed their satisfaction with the space afforded by the Adelaide papers and the character of the reports that have appeared in regard to the doings of the club. A strong committee for the ensuing year was elected, consisting of Drs. Hampden Carr and Edgar Brown and Messrs. R. Wemyss (Chairman), C. T. McGlew (hon auditor), J. H. Ward (hon. registrar), D. R. Gee, with Mr. A. C. Myers as Secretary. Mr. C. H. Angas was re-elected President, to the general satisfaction of the members. A point-scoring match for bitches was listed for November 27, but it was decided to postpone the fixture on account of the hot weather conditions, which are unsuitable for bull bitches. Before passing on it may be mentioned that the appointment of Mr. Myers as Secretary is viewed with general satisfaction for the reasons that he has the time to devote to the work, is tactful and a worker, and an enthusiast, besides being a keen breeder, so that his services should be of much value to the club.
The following items are extracted from the report: The committee congratulated. the members on the satisfactory position of the club. A large number of new members have joined, the majority of whom are taking a keen interest in breeding. The club is stronger in members who are breeders than at any previous time in its history.
At a special general meeting held in February 1914, (the club withdrew from affiliation with the South Australian Poultry and Kennel Club, and the committee expressed gratification over the fact that the action taken in this direction has been supported by practically the whole of the members and confirmed by the record entry received for the fifth show (held in April, 1914), when 65 dogs were entered, comprising 209 nominations. The club has continued its affiliation with the Bulldog dub, Incorporated (England), and the committee are proud to report that Mr, F. W. Marshall (the first Chairman of the club), who is now resident in London, has been elected to the committee of that famous club as the representative of the South Australian Bulldog Club, such appointment being regarded as an appreciation by the big English club of the efforts of the South. Australian Club to further the best interests of the British bulldog in the Southern Hemisphere. The club also was associated with the Bulldog Club of New South Wales and the British Bulldog Club of Victoria in the formation of the Australasian Associated Board of Control, under, whose auspices the Adelaide Club’s last show was held, and whose challenge certificates were competed for the first time.
A representative from the dub attended at the conference of delegates to the Board of Control which was recently held in Sydney. The club has become affiliated with the newly formed South Australian Kennel Association, and the connection is expected to be productive of good and lasting results.
The club’s fifth annual show was held in April, in the saddling paddock of the Victoria Racecourse, and was attended by His Excellency Sir Henry Galway. The committee’s thanks are freely expressed to the committee of the Adelaide Racing Club, for the use of the enclosure, and to Mr. S. R. Heseltine (Secretary to that club) for his services in assisting with the general. arrangements. The show was a record in point of the number of dogs and nominations, while quality was well maintained. The number of interstate dogs was largely in excess of that exhibited at any previous show. The committee wishes to thank the following interstate exhibitors for the assistance rendered in the shape of sending dogs: Mrs. Bryce of Perth; Miss Allen, and Messrs. Sperring, Bauld and McLaughlin, of Melbourne; and Maidment and Warner, of Sydney.
Messrs. Sperring and McLaughlan of the Melbourne Club visited Adelaide for the show, and were entertained by the committee and various members of the club.
The South Australian club sent a team of 10 dogs to the show held by the British Bulldog Club of Victoria in Melbourne in May, 1914 and two dogs to the show of the Bulldog Club of New South Wales held in Sydney in September. In Melbourne successes were achieved by Mrs. A. C. Myers, D. R. Gee, and Messrs. Angas and Potter. At the Sydney exhibition Mr. C. E. Martin did well. He has now achieved the honour of winning the Australian-bred bitch class in South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales, a distinction never previously scored by any exhibitor.
The death of the two dogs imported from England, Nuthurst Precocity and Kilburn Caramel by Mr. C. H. Angas (the club’s President) was referred to with regret, as much was expected from them in the way of improving the local strains. In conclusion, the committee placed on record their appreciation of the efforts rendered by the Chairman (Mr. J. S. Scott) to place the club in the forefront and the report states that the success of the club has been due in a large measure to the deep interest exhibited and the good management displayed by him. (Observer Sat 28 Nov 1914)