The third annual show of the British Bulldog Club of South Australia was held at the Wayville Showgrounds on Saturday afternoon. The entries were a trifle below those received last year, but the quality was fairly well maintained. The judge – (Mr. F. Williamson) said the challenge winners. Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Adsum and W. B. Viney’s Alberee Adonough were worthy exhibits. He had also noticed some promising animals among the younger dogs. The Judge was assisted by Messrs. Highett (ring Steward). J. Schurgott (bench steward), and T. Bellfield (award steward). The officials were: President, Mr. F. E. Weston; vice-president. Messrs. J. Schurgott and S. E. Richards; veterinary surgeon. Mr. W. Perry; committee. Messrs. J. Schurgott. E. J. Savage, T. E. Richards, and T. Bellfield, Mesdames A. A. Smith, O. J. Holzberger. and J. Rudland; secretary and treasurer. Mr. A. A. Smith.



South Australian Kennel Association Cup (for best exhibit in show): Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Adsum.
Mr. H. Averay’s trophy (for best puppy, dog or bitch): G. Braddock’s Tynedale Baritone.
Sudworth trophy (best limit dog or bitch): P. Hersley’s Sudcllff September Dot.
Averey trophy (for best bitch in show): W. B. Vineys Alberee Adenough
Perry trophy (for best dog In show): Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Adsum.
Club trophy (for best litter): A. J. Jones.
Carter gold medal for best educated dog): P. Hersley’s Sudcliff September Dot.
Savage trophy (for best puppy bitch): J. Schurgott’s Dunlea Maid.


Dogs. — Novice owner’s novice: Mrs. J. Rudland’s Alberee Chancellor.
Puppy: G. Braddocks Tynedale Baritone.
Junior: J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea 1. G. Braddock’ s Tynedale Baritone 2. Mrs. J. Rudland’s Alberee Chancellor 3.
Special maiden: J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea.
Graduate: J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea 1. Mrs. Rudland’s Alberee Chancellor 2.
Intermediate: J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea 1, G. Braddock’s Tynedale Baritone 2. T. E. Richard’s Alberee Baron 3.
Limit: J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea 1. T. E. Richard’s Alberee Baron. 2.
Australian bred: Mrs. A. A. Smith’s grand champion Alberee Adsum.
Open. Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Adsum 1, J. Schurgott’s Mantone of Dunlea 2. Mrs. J. Rudland’s Alberee Chancellor 3.
Challenge certificate: Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Adsum.

Bitches. Novice owner’s novice: W. D. Read’s Lady Phyllis l. T. B. Bellfield’s Alberee Laurette 2.
Baby puppy: J Schurgott’s Dunlea Maid 1, A. J. Jones’s Butler’s Crash 2.
Puppy: J. Schurgott’s Dunlea Maid 1. Mrs. A. A. Smith’s Alberee Datholite 2. T. R Bellfield’s Alberee Laurette.
Junior. E. J. Savage’s Alberee Cerberus.
Special maiden: J. Schurgott’s Sudcliff Pride of Dunlee, 1, Mr. W. D. Read’s Lady Phyllis 2, Mr. E. J. Savage’s Alberee Cerberus 3.
Graduate: F. Hersley’s Sudcliff September Dot 1. Mrs. J. Schurgott’s Pride of Dunlea 2, W. D. Read’s Lady Phyllis 3.
Intermediate: W. D. Read’s Lady Phyllis 1. E. J. Savage’s Alberee Cerberus.
Limit: F. Hersley’s Sudcliff September Dot 1. Mrs. W. Read’s Lady Phyllis 2.
Australian bred and open. W. B. Viney’s Alberee Adenough 1, F. Hersley’s Sudcliff September Dot 2, W. D. Read’s Lady Phyllis 3.
Challenge certificate: W. B. Viney’s Alberee Adenough.
Litter: A. J. Jones’s (Week End— Jovita).
Brace: J. Schurgott. (The Advertiser Mon 13 May 1929)

The British. Bulldog Club, of S. A. held its third championship show under Kennel Association rules at the Wayville dog pavilion last, Saturday. Competition if as weak in some classes, but exhibits on the whole pleased the judge, Mr. F. Williamson, of Tusmore. He praised both the challenge certificate winners—Gd. Ch. Alberee Adsum, and Alberee Adenough, owned by Mrs. A. A. Smith and Mr. W. B.- Viney respectively. Adsum was awarded the Perry Trophy as the best dog in the show, and the S.A. Kennel Association Cup as best exhibit. Alberee Adenough showed to better advantage than she did at the Hogarth championship show and was awarded the challenge over Sudcliff September Dot and the Averary Trophy, for the best bitch in the show. (Observer Sat 18 May 1929)


Championships of British Club – The British Bulldog Club of South Australia was founded over 10 years ago, but it was not until 1927 that it was able to hold its first championship show. The third event of this kind was staged at the Wayville dog pavilion on May 11, 1929. (Observer Sat 25 May 1929)

The British Bulldog Club of South Australia bold a point-judging competition on August 13. Mr. A. A. Smith provided the dog and Mr. W. Perry gave au instructive lecture. Appreciation of members was expressed through Messrs. Viney and Shurgott. (Observer Sat 31 Aug 1929)