The second annual and first championship show of the South Australian Bulldog Club will be held at Abbotshall, Mitcham, on April 29. The club, which is affiliated with, the following societies: The Bulldog Club (Incorporated), England; the British Bulldog Club, England; the Bulldog Club of New South Wales; the East Anglian Bulldog Club, England; The North London. Bulldog Association, England; the Forfarshire and District Bulldog Club, Scotland has drawn up a good schedule of prizes, including seven challenge cups and trophies. Champion certificates were also offered in several of the classes. There are 15 classes open for competition, 7 for open competition, and 8 for membership. Mr. J. H. Ward is hon. secretary, and he will receive entries up to April 13. (Daily Herald Sat 1 Apr 1911)
At a meeting of the Bulldog Club, held in Ware’s Exchange Hotel, Hindley Street on Tuesday evening, presided, over by Mr. P- W. Marshall, a lecture on the Methods of Preparing Bulldogs for Show Purposes was given by Mr. J. H. Potter. The latter, who is a practical man and constant show devotee, made many little points in regard to the preparation of bulldogs clear to those members who were in comparison but amateurs in the field of breeding and showing. Health, said the speaker, was essential to a good bulldog, and the best way to keep a bulldog healthy was to keep him in perfect condition. In his opinion an overflabby bulldog was a sign of a fault somewhere. He favored hardness as a sign of perfect condition. Grooming also, was a matter that was beneficial to the dog, as it was essential. Chest rubbing was productive of better results for the labor expended than back rubbing and seemed io produce a feeling of increased vitality in the dog. In regard io the dieting of pups he thought the climate did not permit of feeding them with raw meat; milk produced better results. Starchiness also was a matter to be avoided. More exercise ought to be given dogs, as it gave them a better chance to digest and be healthy. Children playing with dogs also had a good effect, both on temperament and the health through the exercise afforded. He was always in favor of a judge handling a dog before giving his decision, as appearances were often deceptive. In reply to the chairman Mr. Potter said he thought it best to give “the dog’ a moderate meal before taking it to the showground. Veterinary Surgeon Desmond said that in his points he agreed with Mr. Potter with the exception of the dieting on puppies, which he considered should be fed on raw meat, the meat to be changed judiciously from mutton to beef and vice versa. He confirmed Mr. Potter’s recommendation of olive oil and added that cod liver oil was also of good effect on a dog. He concluded by a strong denunciation of the use of carbolic disinfectants on dogs because of the peculiarly absorbing nature of the dogs’ pores, thus bringing about carbolic poisoning. On the motion of the chairman the speakers were thanked for their services, and Mr. Potter eulogised for his lecture. A list of clubs (English, for the main part) which assisted the club by contributions of prizes to be competed for was then read by the secretary. They are the Northumberland and Durham, the Manchester and County, the North London, the Forfarshire, the Birmingham and Midlands, the East Anglia. the Cardiff and District, the British and Incorporated, and the New South Wales Bulldog Clubs. (Daily Herald Wed 12 Apr 1911)
The Bulldog Club’s championship show will be held on Saturday on the grounds of Mr. Robert Wemyss. Abbottshall Park, Lower Mitcham, charmingly situated close to the Mitcham Railway Station and the tramway. The number of entries is a record for Australia, and the quality of the dogs is believed to be a great advance on previous shows. His Excellency the Governor will be present. Mr. G. M. Duncan will judge. The competition is extremely keen in most of the classes owing to the possibility of several of the trophies being won outright. (The Register Fri 28 Apr 1911)
The progress of the Bulldog Club is manifested by the fact that with the second annual show held on the grounds of Mr. Robert Wemyss, Abbotshall, Lower Mitcham on Saturday afternoon it was able to combine the first championship fixture. A year ago, there were 96 entries from 33 dogs. This year the entries totalled 136, and the number of dogs had increased by four. A feature was the complete pedigree catalogue, issued by the club, which included 15 classes, seven of them open to all comers. The gathering was select but enthusiastic, and it was a revelation to some of the visitors, and the ladies evinced much interest in the grim-visaged brutes. “Isn’t he just sweet,” exclaimed one as she patted the champion, Tommy Burns, and indicated his good points. A litter of six pups evoked many expressions of admiration, even unto “dear,” whereupon a mere man, with thought of another kind of dearness, remarked that the owner had asked 10 guineas each for them a week after they were whelped. His Excellency the Governor and Lady and Miss Bosanquet displayed keen interest in the exhibits.
Something About the Dogs
The verdict of authorities was that South Australia had never seen a better show. Bitches were of a more even quality than the dogs, and the open class was conspicuously good. The puppies included some promising animals, and the judge (Mr. G. M. Duncan) was particularly impressed with one shown by Mr. F. W. Marshall. Unfortunately, it had to be rejected on account of an injury to one of its shoulders, Rhuvan’s Solo, shown by G. E. Martin, won several first, and was described as a nice, even puppy dog, though marred by buttoned ears. Tommy Burns, the champion, is said to be the best bulldog ever bred in South Australia. He is by Kyneetcha Crib out of Carmen. Beautifully proportioned, low set, good colour, and a magnificent turn-up, unequalled by any other dog in Australia, good, well placed ears, slightly deficient perhaps in wrinkle and shoulder, but with a great back and loin, and a faultless tail. In short, a dog that will take a great deal of stopping in any company. That was the judge’s opinion. A solid foundation has been laid for the breed by the importation of Tommy Burns’s sire and Wroxham Venesta. Kyneetcha Crib was out of condition on Saturday. Wroxham Venesta who won the open bitches class is handicapped by her colour, being all white. She has a fine shaped head, however, a good stop, and wonderful shoulders and body, and is excellently proportioned. Wrexham Venesta had a successful career in England, having won at such important shows as the Bulldog Club, Incorporated, Leicester, and St. Albans, and altogether took about 50 firsts and specials. She is exceptionally well bred, being by champion Hazelmere Prince, out of the champion Silent Duchess, which fanciers aver is the greatest bull bitch the world has ever known. Boxer Tommy Burns, a full brother to Saturday’s champion, has a good head, but is considered to be too long in body. Two promising Wroxham Raisuli puppies, Snowdrop and Hazel, which were put in the ring on Saturday, were rather young for competition, but should be heard of later. Wroxham Raisuli, an imported dog, entered by Miss Molly Osborne, is regarded as being too plain about the face, but his wonderful front and shoulders should benefit the breed. Rhuvan’s Wag was characterized as a bitch of great promise, and Sweet Lavender, a Raisuli puppy, should develop into a good animal. Ardmore Sombra would have been higher up if she had not been suffering with a slight affection of the eyes. The winning brace was a very evenly matched pair.
Officials: Judge, Mr. G. M. Duncan; Joint Show Managers, Messrs. R. Wemyss, and J. H. Ward; Stewards, Messrs. F. W. Marshall, J. H. Potter, R. E. P. Osborne, and C. Gent; Judge’s Steward, Mr. J. S. Scott; Ring Steward, Mr. P. M. Mack; Hon. Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary, Surgeon Desmond; Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. H. Ward.
Prize List
Novice Dog (allcomers) Mr. W. Matthews’s Rhuvan’s Solo, W. Johnston’s Boxer Tommy Burns, R. E. P. Osborne’s Kyneetcha Crib; Puppy dog (allcomers), W. Matthews’s Rhuvan’s Solo, J. H. Potter’s Hazel, Mrs. Potter’s Snowdrop. Open dog (allcomers), J. Arthur’s Tommy Burns, J. H. Ward’s Rhubarb, S. E. Beach’s Remus; novice dog (members), W. Matthews’s Rhuvan’s Solo, W. Johnston’s Boxer Tommy Bums, R. E. P. Osborne’s Kyneetcha Crib; puppy dog (members), W. Matthews’s Rhuvan’s Solo, J. H. Potter’s Hazel, Mrs. Potter’s Snowdrop, Open dog (members), J. Arthur’s Tommy Burns, J. H. Ward’s Rhubarb, S. K. Beach’s Remus; graduate dog (members) Mrs. Potter’s Snowdrop. J. E. Whittard’s Pirie Jack, R. Wemyss’s Abbotshall General; novice bitches (allcomers), C. E. Mar tin’s Rhuvan’s Wag, Mrs. Potter’s Sweet Lavender, C. Grivell’s Miss Florence; puppy bitches (allcomers), G. K. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Wag, Mrs. Potter’s Sweet Lavender, G. A. Dean’s Ardmore Sombra; open bitches (allcomers), R. E. P. Osborne and E. W. van Senden’s Wroxham Venesta, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan, J. H. Potter’s Vanity novice bitches (members), C. E. Martin’s; Rhuvan’s Wag, Mrs. Potter’s Sweet Lavender. J. H. Potter’s Silence; puppy bitches (members), C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan’s Wag, Mrs. Potter’s Sweet Lavender, G. A. Dean’s Ardmore Sombra; open bitches (members), R. E. P. Osborne and E. W. van Senden’s Wroxham Venesta, C. E. Martin’s Rhuvan, J. H. Potter’s Vanity; graduate bitch (members), G. A. Dean’s Ardmore Sombra, C. Grivell’s Miss Florence, A. C. Myers’s Slinks brace, C. E. Martin’s, C. T. McGlew’s J. H. Potter’s; special prizes (members), best dog, Tommy Bums; bitch, Wroxham Venesta; puppy dog, W. Matthews’s puppy bitch, C. E. Martins’s Breeders’ Cup, for best puppy dog, C. E. Martin; bitch, C. E. Martin; breeders’ trophy, for most successful breeder, C. E. Martin, best bitch, for Sydney Club’s trophy, Wroxham Venesta brace trophy, C. E. Martin. (Observer Sat 6 May 1911)

The fifth annual dinner of the South Australian Bulldog Club was held at the Exchange Hotel on Friday night. There was a large attendance of members, over whom Mr. C. H. Angas presided. The toast of ‘The Breeders’ was submitted by Mr. F. W. Marshall in a happy speech. He lamented the fact that there were not many breeders in the State, but enthusiasm was extending, and he fully expected, in view of the material that was now possessed by younger enthusiasts, there would be greatly increased competition at the next show. When members of the club who were successful won their trophies they were at times rather inclined to overlook the men who bred the dogs. Mr. C. E. Martin reaponded. Mr. Archibald Mackie gave ‘The winners,’ to which Mr. E. W. van Senden replied. Mr. R. E. P. Osborne also referred to the progress made by the club. Mr. J. Hill submitted ‘The South Australian Bulldog Club.’ which called forth a response from the President (Mr. Angas). Mr. Claxton was entrusted with the toast of ‘The losers.’ to which Col. Beach replied. ‘The judge’ was given by Mr. J. S. Scott, and ‘The lady members’ by Mr. W. B. Carr. These offering were met respectively by Messrs. G. M. Duncan and R. Wemyss. Songs and recitations were given by Messrs. J. N. Crawford, Norman Malcolm, Frank Johnson, C. Gent. Rowland Smith, J. H. Potter, and J. H. Ward. (The Register Sat 6 May 1911)
In the Bulldog section at the Victoria Poultry and Kennel Club Show to-day the judge selected Tommy Burns, owned by Mr. J. Arthur, of Adelaide, for champion honors. Tommy Burns won similar honors at the Royal Show in Adelaide last September under Mr. W. T. Wright, when he beat imported specimens. Today he downed the Victorian champion, Boston Donovan, and the judge was loud in his praise of the quality of the brindled Adelaide dog. Maluka (a brother to Tommy Burns), also owned by Mr. Arthur, scored a third in the open class and a first in the junior and Australian-bred section, and with Tommy Burns pulled off first place in the brace class. Mr. McGlew’s imported bitch Belle of Benfleet was second in the open class and first in the limit at the same show. he brace prize also went to the Adelaide fancier with Tommy Burns and The Maluku. (The Express and Telegraph Thu 8 Jun 1911)
The 37th annual show of the S.A. Poultry and Kennel Club was held on the Exhibition grounds, Adelaide, on July 7 and 8th. The show of Bulldogs included some specially fine animals, Mr. J. Arthur’s Tommy Burns being a conspicuous winner.
Results: novice, dog, G. Ritchie; M. Claxton. Winners’ dog-, J. Arthur (1, challenge cup, and special). Open class, dog, J. Arthur; C. T. McGlew; P. Marks. Puppy, dog, A. Dobble. Novice, bitch, B. Mehrtens; C. Grivell; A. Williams. Open class, bitch, C. T. McGlew (1, special, and challenge); C. E. Martin (2 and 3). Puppy Bitch J. Arthur; J. Pomeroy; J. A. Cardwell. Brace, C. T. McGlew; C. E. Martin. Team, J. Arthur. (Chronicle Sat 15 Jul 1911)

The committee has decided to hold a series of monthly evening shows for various classes, one class to be shown each evening, and the judging to be undertaken by various members. The first has been fixed for Friday, August 4. at the Lounge, Exchange Hotel, when bitch puppies will be exhibited. The conditions are Puppies, eligible under 12 months old, August 4; entry free; one trophy prize. Nominations close with the secretary at 3 o’clock this evening The judge will be Mr R. Wemyss. (The Register Fri 4 Aug 1911)
The second monthly show in connection with the Bulldog Club was held at the Exchange Hotel on Friday evening. Competition was restricted to puppies, under 12 months old, and there were eight entries. The judge (Mr. J. H. Potter), as well as the large number of fanciers present, expressed, pleasure at the entries and their quality. The prize was awarded to The Brigand, by Roxham Raisuli (imp.) from Vanity, owned by Mr. J. W. Sandford, of Fitzroy. The next best was Guiness, a younger puppy, by Roxham Raisuli from Carmen (mother of the champion, Tommy Burns), and owned by Mr. J. Arthur, of Hindmarsh. The next monthly show will be held on Friday evening, October 20, when a prize will be offered for bulldogs (open class). Mr. C. H. Angas, of Collingrove, will be the judge. (The Register Sat 9 Sep 1911)
The biggest attraction in the Northern Annexe of the Spring Show was the exhibition of dogs. The unbeaten Bulldog, “Tommy Burns,” (Photo below) again carried, all before him, as he did in Melbourne recently. Prizes were also gained by Messrs. R. Pulleine, R. E. P. Osborne, and J. D. Lineham.
Prize List: J. Arthur; P. Marks; J. H. Ward. Bulldog, puppy, R. Pulleine; J. Arthur; Miss J Rigby. Bitch, R. E. P. Osborne and E. W. van Senden; C. C. Martin; B. Mehrten. Puppy, bitch, J. D. Lineham; J. A. Cardwell; C. C. Dean.

The annual meeting of the Bulldog Club was held at Ware’s Exchange Hotel Friday evening. The President, (Mr. C. H Angas) was in the chair. There was a good attendance of members. The report and financial statement of the year’s operations were read by the Secretary and Treasurer (Mr. J. H. Ward). The report showed a gratifying increase membership, and considerable improvement in the quality of the local bulldog, and was unanimously adopted. Officers elected: President Mr C. H. Angas. Committee, Messrs. Marshall, Wemyss, Ward, Osborne, and Scott. The appointments of Chairman, secretary, Treasurer, and veterinary surgeon were left in the hands of the committee. Hitherto the club has held its shows on the grounds of Mr H. Wemyss at Mitcham, but it was announced that through the courtesy of the committee of the Adelaide Racing Club the saddling paddock at the Victoria Park Racecourse would be available for future exhibitions of the club, and the change to a more convenient and central locality will give much satisfaction to the members and friends of the club, who warmly appreciate the kindness of Mr. Wemyss in placing his grounds at the disposal of the committee. In thanking members for his unanimous re-election, Mr. Angus mentioned that he proposed making a visit to England early in the new year, and, though he would miss the annual dinner, he hoped to be of some service to the club in bringing back new ideas and hints from the bulldog men of the old country. After the formal business had been cleared away, an evening show was held, and some good dogs were on exhibition. The prize went to Mr. J. Arthur’s champion, Tommy Burns. Mr, Angas acted as judge. The outlook of the club in regard to membership and quantity and quality of dogs is most promising. (The Register Sat 28 Oct 1911)
The usual monthly meeting of the SA Bulldog Club was held on November 21. The evening was devoted to a competition for bitches, any age, and the judge was Mr. J. Arthur, who gave satisfaction, not an easy tiling to do, by the way, in a room full of keen fanciers. The first prize medal went to Mr. J. D. Linehan’s dark brindle bitch Carmen Rocco, aged 13 months. Carmen won in Melbourne a month or two back and is a full sister to Ch Tommy Burns.
The Bulldog Chairman in England. Mr F. W. Marshall (Chairman of the South Australian Bulldog Club), who recently visited the old country, is back in Adelaide. He says: Yes, I’m back, glad to be back, for there’s no place like home, and although I only had a few weeks in England I was fortunate in visiting three shows. The East Anglian, at Yarmouth, the Surrey County, at Redhill, and a North London special sanction bulldog evening. At all three shows a good many useful dogs were exhibited, but partly owing to the disorganization of traffic through the railway strike, some of the top notchers were not benched. The best dog exhibited at the shows I saw was my opinion, Mrs. Edgar Waterlow’s ch. Nuthurst Lad by that famous bulldog ch. Nuthurst Doctor. He carried all before him at Redhill and is undoubtedly a fine specimen. The benching and judging of the dogs are similar to the methods which obtain with us, but I am inclined to think our veterinary inspection is more thorough and in the ring our judges appear to handle the dogs more.
I had an exceptionally enjoyable day at Redhill, where I met Mrs. Edgar Waterlow, Mr. Tom Cannon (owner of ch. Chineham Paradox), Mr. Richards (from whom I bought Donetta some years ago and through whom Mr. Nash imported Chineham Ambition), and Capt. Beamish, a name well known in bulldog circles. The officials at the various shows were kindness itself to me, and at the North London evening show Mr. Benny Jacobs (the Chairman) afforded me an opportunity of giving those present some idea of the management of our clubs in Australia, and of the progress which was being made in the breed. I don’t think we suffered by the opportunity I got.
The credentials I carried from the South Australian Bulldog Club were amply sufficient for the officials of the leading clubs, and I was grateful for the arrangements made so that I could meet some of the more prominent of the bulldog breeders. Among those I met was Mr Walter Jefferies the owner of the famous Stone Kennels. He motored me down to his home at Denmark Hill and from a fancier’s point of view I had the afternoon of my life. His “den” simply bristles with bulldog pictures and trophies and as to his dogs, well I had never seen anything except in pictures to compare with Rival Stone and British Stone. They are just as they appear in the many photos one sees of them. Such magnificent turn up and squareness of underjaw, no wonder Mr Jefferies holds so pre-eminent a position. I was shown and handled all the dogs in his kennels, one youngster by Rival Stone especially taking my fancy. Even now at 10 months of age he is hard to fault.
How do our dogs compare with those in England? Well from what I saw, leaving out of the question the out and out “top notchers”, the average useful dog is better than ours. At some of the smaller shows, I think our best might be placed, but at the shows at any of the larger centres, I don’t think we would stand a chance. (Evening Journal Sat 9 Dec 1911)
The bulldog men, who have been having a parlous time of late, are not yet away from the malign influence of bad luck. The death roll within a few months includes two fine bitches belonging to Messrs. Potter and Arthur respectively and Wroxham Raisuli (imp) owned by Mr. R. E. P. Osborne, and Rhubarb, Mr. Ward’s dog. In this critical condition of affairs Mr. Osborne, has again come to the rescue. Some time ago he brought out Kyneetcha Crib, a great stud dog, and Wroxham Raisuli, and, later, was associated with Mr. E. W. van Senden in the importation of the bitch Venesta. A day or two ago, he cabled to Mrs. Arthur Mayor, of Aylesbury. England, for a dog and bitch, and they will be here shortly. Mrs. Mayor, who is celebrated as a breeder of bulldogs, was the owner of Silent Duchess, one of the best bull bitches the world has ever seen. Mr. Osborne, who has promised to let me have photos of the two dogs on arrival, is undoubtedly a tower of strength to the Bulldog Club. A week or two ago Mr, McGlew’s imported bitch, Belle-of Benfleet whelped nine puppies from a mating with Rochford, also imported. Blood poisoning ensued, and six of the pups died. The bitch had a close call, but Veterinary Surgeon Desmond hopes to pull her through. It is rough luck on the bulldog men, for a lot was expected from this litter. Of the three living pups, Mr. McGlew tells me that one, a fawn dog, is an exceptionally good, specimen. The doggy men are increasing in numbers and there is no doubt that dogs are beginning to be the chief feature at Adelaide shows. The S.A. Bulldog Club has about 90 members. (Observer Sat 30 Dec 1911)